
The Abbe Springs Ranches Homeowners’ Association annual meeting for 2025 is at 11am on Saturday, March 1st.  See the members’ page for details and Zoom link.

Land Maps

Abbe consists of private, full, and partial sections surrounded by public land. There are lots of great areas to hike and explore

Abbe Information

Each lot owner pays dues to the homeowners’ association, the pupose of which is to maintain the roads in the subdivision, make sure the covenants and restrictions are enforced, and conduct the business of the association.

Abbe Springs Ranches encompasses a beautiful area North of the town of Magdalena, NM

The purpose of this website is to provide information about the Abbe Springs Ranches Homeowners’ Association to the public and the members of the association.

Attention Prospective Buyers

The 2014 New Mexico Homeowner’s Association Act is in effect and requires certain actions by the seller and buyer of any property in Abbe Springs Ranches Homeowners Association, Inc.

Members Only Site

Members can access the Members Only website. You will need a username and password for this site.

Contact Us

Contact us if you would like more information about Abbe Springs. To contact the Abbe Springs Ranches Homeowners’ Association, please e-mail the Webmaster